I’m an Associate Professor at TU Delft, working in human-algorithm interaction - exploring the messy terrain between people, data and things through a combination of making and thinking. Current research questions include: How can we understand the algorithmically mediated society that we are heading towards? How can we ensure that there is space for people within computational systems, preserving privacy, choice, identity and humanity while making use of the possibilities of emerging technology? How can we work with things that have an increasing sense of agency, from sensing to responding to shaping the world around them? See info on academic work, with more detail on research, teaching and PhD supervision.

In my creative practice I engage with interactions between people and technology. I make music using computers and controllers, and our laptop trio Raw Green Rust has played in many interesting places. I create artworks that explore technological and social phenomena that have been shown internationally (ZKM, Creativity and Cognition, Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Talbot Rice Gallery) and have won multiple awards (Lumen Prize, New Technology Art Award).

Upcoming public events

(see all events)

Selected recent papers

  1. (Un)Making AI Magic: A Design Taxonomy Lupetti, Maria Luce and Murray-Rust, Dave (2024) Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
  1. Unpacking Human-AI Interactions: From Interaction Primitives to a Design Space Tsiakas, Konstantinos and Murray-Rust, Dave (2024) ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems
  1. Spatial Robotic Experiences as a Ground for Future HRI Speculations Murray-Rust, Dave and Lupetti, Maria Luce and Ianniello, Alessandro and Gorbet, Matt and Van Der Helm, Aadjan and Filthaut, Liliane and Chiu, Adrian and Beesley, Philip (2024) Companion of the 2024 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction
  1. Experiential AI: Between Arts and Explainable AI Hemment, Drew and Murray-Rust, Dave and Belle, Vaishak and Aylett, Ruth and Vidmar, Matjaz and Broz, Frank (2024) Leonardo
  1. Grasping AI: Experiential Exercises for Designers Murray-Rust, Dave and Lupetti, Maria Luce and Nicenboim, Iohanna and van der Hoog, Wouter (2023) AI & Society
  1. Respect as a Lens for the Design of AI Systems Seymour, William and Van Kleek, Max and Binns, Reuben and Murray-Rust, Dave (2022) Proceedings of the 2022 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society
  1. Metaphors for Designers Working with AI Murray-Rust, Dave and Nicenboim, Iohanna and Lockton, Dan (2022) DRS Biennial Conference Series
  1. Blockchain and Beyond: Understanding Blockchains through Prototypes and Public Engagement Murray-Rust, Dave and Elsden, Chris and Nissen, Bettina and Tallyn, Ella and Pschetz, Larissa and Speed, Chris (2022) Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction
  1. Enacting the Last Mile: Experiences of Smart Contracts in Courier Deliveries Tallyn, Ella and Revans, Joe and Morgan, Evan and Fisken, Keith and Murray-Rust, Dave (2021) Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems

Recent events

Relational AI Interaction Design

Turing AI and Arts Seminar (26/4/2024) More Info

Artificial Otoacoustics

iii Flipchart (10/10/2023) More Info

Mitbewohner - Live

Kunstverein Gallery, Baden (7/8/2023)

Antagonistic Sextet

Inspace, Edinburgh (4/5/2023) More Info

Human-Machine Inter-Agencies

Design Informatics Seminars (15/10/2020) More Info

Raw Green Rust

Beyond Symposium, Experimenta Heilbronn (28/09/2019)

Human-Machine Interagencies

IoT India Congress, Bangalore (23/08/2019)

(see all past event media)